The average absenteeism rate in 2011 was 9.3 days/year per full-time employee. The esti- mated direct cost to the Cana- dian economy was $16.6 billion in 2012, yet less than half of Canadian organizations (46 per cent) currently track employee absences. *source (The Conference Board of Canada, Missing in Action, 2013)
If your company has 100 employees earning the average Canada wage of $24/hour misses and 9.3 days per year that is a productivity loss of almost $178,560/year for the company. Using Sonar Workforce at $5 per month per employee to eliminate this loss equates to a 30x return on your investment!
Decrease site absenteeism with GPS location.

Increase punctuality with GPS verified clock punch in.

Increase communication with instant messaging for job direction and feedback.

Increase safety for remote workers with automatic alerts if employees do not return.

Increase organization with site/client location logs for sales staff.

Increase efficiency by mapping which crews are being under-utilized.

Increase integration by allowing employees to find co-workers they are looking for.
With Sonar Workforce for as little as $5/month per employee you can increase the safety of your remote workforce, increase productivity of your workforce, decrease absenteeism of your workforce and increase overall employee morale.